Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Big send off to Ghana with love from family and friends

Arrival at the Cedar Rapids Airport - 75 degrees!

Time to check in!

Ava and Claudia Corwin, Darlene McCord and Monica Moen
FYI - That's Masters Champion Zach Johnson in the background

Final Hugs and Kisses....

... don't forget Mom & Dad!

I swear I have my ticket here somewhere...

Monica.. Do you have my ticket?

We'll report in as soon as we can!


  1. Hey! We're all thinking of you guys! Hope you had a safe journey. Ava is over at my house and we are working on her art project - lots of Africa animals in the mix.

    love from Julie Olson

  2. Are you in Accra yet???

    from Ava at Julie' s house

  3. Hi to all of you. Glad to know that you are all in Ghana and that the trip was a good one. Take care. Darlene

  4. Claudia, your mom is standing next to me and she loves all of the pictures. She is glad to hear the trip went well. She slept in the big bed with Ava last night and they all went for a lobster dinner(yum, yum). Love mom, dad and kids (Tony too).

  5. Monica, the pictures are great! reminds me of our trip to europe! oops, I forgot dad. Sweet dreams! Love J and family

  6. I miss you soooo much Mom!

    From Ava

  7. LOVE The photos!!! Keep them coming!

  8. "In the world troubled with diseases, Claudia, Monica and the team you hold a special place in the hearts of many people in Ghana.May the lord keep you safe. Iam proud of you.
    With lots of love lynn
